Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.6

Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.6


Player viewpoint is no longer above your avatar’s head.

Remote players should no longer look like they are hunched over or have their hands over their heads.

Remote player hands are now rotated correctly.

Fixed a bug that was causing mobs in the Eurus region to spawn under the snow.

Merchant Amaya has had her shoes of magical levitation taken away and is no longer floating above the ground.


Quest: Misbehaving herbs for 'The Cursed Well' quest should now be harvestable from the Graveyard grounds.

Quest 'Stalling Tactics' fixed incorrect mob spawning

Quest 'Act of Mercy' fixed incorrect mob spawning

Quest 'Travel to Ironhold' waypoint fixed

Quests: Typos in 'The Quartermaster's Quest', 'Boarish Behavior', 'Return To Sender' and 'Misplaced Medicine' fixed.

Lighter patch this week as the team is now heads down on the larger multi-week work items we discussed in our Tavern Talk Ep. 3, including the refactor for Melee Combat, the new Character Controller, and updated visuals for Quest 3. We're still a few weeks out from those, but they're in progress!


Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.7


Ilysia Patch Notes v0.2.5